Tag Archives: John Cutter

Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon, Amiga

I don’t know why, but the Amiga version of Cinemaware‘s classic Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon looks absolutely terrible. The graphics are appalling and the presentation overall is very rough around the edges. Compare it to the Commodore 64 version and it’s easy to see the disparity.

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Defender of the Crown, Commodore 64

The Commodore 64 conversion of Defender of the Crown is a celebrated retro gaming classic. Apart from loading times, there’s little to fault about it.

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Wings, Amiga

One of Cinemaware‘s last games, Wings was released in 1990 to critical acclaim.

It’s a First World War-based scenario, with you piloting a biplane over German lines, dogfighting enemy fighters and bombing positions on the ground.

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The Three Stooges, Amiga

The original Amiga version of Cinemaware‘s The Three Stooges was released in 1987.

With ‘mini games’ inspired by classic Three Stooges films, it features Larry, Moe and Curly on a quest to save an orphanage from an evil landlord.

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Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon, Commodore 64

The Commodore 64 version of Cinemaware‘s Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon is the version to play in my opinion – the earlier Amiga version of this excellent fantasy adventure game is uncharacteristically poor in terms of presentation.

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The King of Chicago, Amiga

The King of Chicago is a strategic gangster simulator, released by Cinemaware in 1987. And – while “gangster simulator” might sound bad – the game is full of dark humour and is something of a satire, so is not to be taken too seriously on that front.

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S.D.I., Amiga

S.D.I. (Strategic Defence Initiative) is a 1986 release from legendary American games company Cinemaware.

Set in a Cold War type scenario, S.D.I. pits East against West in a fight for dominance in space.

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Defender of the Crown, Amiga

The Amiga version of Cinemaware‘s classic Defender of the Crown is both beautiful to look at, and great fun to play. Actually, pretty much every version of Defender of the Crown I’ve played has been great, but the Amiga version is probably the most well-remembered. It was also the very first version of Defender of the Crown too – all the other versions followed later.

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