Tag Archives: New Zealand

Super Skidmarks, Megadrive/Genesis

Super Skidmarks is an isometric racing game developed by New Zealand-based Acid Software and published by Codemasters for the Sega Megadrive/Genesis in 1995. It was originally released for the Amiga and Amiga CD32 and is the sequel to the 1993 game Skidmarks.

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The NewZealand Story, Arcade

Taito‘s 1988 arcade release, The NewZealand Story, is a super-cute platform game featuring a kiwi called Tiki, who is on a rescue mission to save his friends who have been kidnapped by a Leopard Seal. Tiki can jump and shoot arrows from his bow (as kiwis do), as well as commandeer various different floating or flying vehicles to get around in.

The NewZealand Story was an instant hit with gamers and is still much loved today.

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Jackass: The Game, PlayStation 2

Jackass: The Game on the PlayStation 2 is one of THE best video games ever made. Period. Not only is it THE ultimate multiplayer party game, but it also has an ingenious single-player element too. Ingenious because of the way it unlocks new things as you play. The reward system in this game is just brilliant.

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