Tag Archives: Tim Bartlett

Super Skidmarks, Megadrive/Genesis

Super Skidmarks is an isometric racing game developed by New Zealand-based Acid Software and published by Codemasters for the Sega Megadrive/Genesis in 1995. It was originally released for the Amiga and Amiga CD32 and is the sequel to the 1993 game Skidmarks.

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Cosmic Spacehead, Megadrive/Genesis

Cosmic Spacehead is a 1993 Sega Megadrive release for British publisher Codemasters. It is, in fact, an enhanced remake of a previous Codemasters game, Linus Spacehead’s Cosmic Crusade.

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Micro Machines V3, PlayStation

The third Micro Machines was released in 1997 for the Sony PlayStation. In V3 the environments and vehicles are all 3D-modelled, and the action is displayed at a slightly tilted angle, rather than directly overhead.

The same excellent gameplay mechanics of the previous games have been retained though. Mostly revolving around getting ahead of your opponents in order to push them off-screen.

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