Tag Archives: Arabian

Prince of Persia, Megadrive/Genesis

The Sega Megadrive/Genesis version of Prince of Persia was developed and published by Tengen and Domark in 1993. It is another great conversion – unique to all the rest.

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Prince of Persia, NES

Developed by Motivetime for Virgin Games and released in 1992, the NES version of Prince of Persia is unfortunately another flawed conversion.

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Prince of Persia, Super Nintendo

Developed by Arsys Software for Konami and published in 1992 this Super Nintendo conversion of Prince of Persia is arguably the best out of all of them.

The game has been expanded and seriously enhanced with superb graphics and stereo sound.

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Prince of Persia, Game Boy

The Game Boy conversion of Prince of Persia was released in 1992 by Virgin Games, and it is not too shabby at all.

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Prince of Persia, Sega CD

Another Japanese conversion of Prince of Persia; this one done by Bits Laboratory for Brøderbund and released for the Sega CD in 1992.

Graphically and sonically it has been ‘enhanced’ to take advantage of the Sega’s CD‘s capabilities, but thankfully the developers resisted the temptation to fill the game with loads of Full Motion Video, which was prevalent on the format at the time.

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Prince of Persia, Sega Master System

The Sega Master System port of Jordan Mechner‘s classic Prince of Persia was published by Domark in 1992. And in truth: it’s a bit hit and miss.

It looks alright, but the main character’s movement isn’t up to scratch, which is sacrilege.

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Prince of Persia, TurboGrafx-16

Another fantastic conversion of Prince of Persia – this one for the PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16. It was a CD-ROM only release, so took advantage of Red Book audio streamed directly from the disc, and as a result: the music in the game is quite amazing and really adds to the atmosphere of the game.

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Prince of Persia, X68000

Considering the graphical power of the Sharp X68000 this 1991 conversion of the classic Prince of Persia looks a little underwhelming.

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Prince of Persia, SAM Coupé

Uh oh… The 1990 SAM Coupé conversion of Jordan Mechner‘s classic Prince of Persia is disastrously flawed.

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Prince of Persia, PC

The 1990 MS-DOS version of Prince of Persia is as good as – if not better than – the Amiga and Atari ST versions. They were developed side-by-side by Brøderbund and look and play very similarly.

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