Tag Archives: The Fourth Dimension

Super Pool, Archimedes

Another Archimedes game that I had recommended to me, but turned out to be poor, is Super Pool. It’s another game by the prolific Gordon J. Key (E-Type; Apocalypse) and published by The Fourth Dimension in 1991.

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Cataclysm, Archimedes

Cataclysm is an obscure action puzzle game on the Archimedes that involves channelling water from plugged-up vats in the top of a vertically-scrolling level, into a drain at the very bottom. Which you do by controlling a jet-pack-wearing guy who can manipulate objects to make the water take a certain route through the scenery.

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Apocalypse, Archimedes

Apocalypse is a fast-paced, overrated 3D shoot ’em up that was written by Gordon J. Key (the same guy who wrote E-Type) and published by The Fourth Dimension for the Acorn Archimedes in 1990.

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Chocks Away, Archimedes

Chocks Away is a flight combat game for the Acorn Archimedes that is loosely set in the First World War, although it does mix elements from other timelines and simplifies the realism in a way that might not appeal to a historian. The game is meant to appeal to those who just like flying around and shooting things and it provides a fairly open-ended and enjoyable experience on that front.

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E-Type, Archimedes

E-Type is an impressive Out Run-style racing game on the Acorn Archimedes where you drive out across various courses with the objective being: to cover as much distance as possible before the timer runs out. You can earn extra time by passing checkpoints and can play the game with either automatic or manual transmission.

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