Tag Archives: Walter Ianneo

Road Rash, Sega Saturn

The Sega Saturn version of Road Rash is an exhilarating and enjoyable third-person motorbike race game, with the all usual Road Rash-style violence mixed-in.

Sometimes your opponents will try to hit you, to knock you off your bike, but you can always turn the tables and try to bring them down with a well-timed punch or a kick.

Road Rash on the Saturn was developed by Electronic Arts Studios and is basically an enhanced version of Road Rash on the 3DO, which first came out in 1994.

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Urban Strike, Megadrive/Genesis

Urban Strike is the second sequel to Desert Strike, and the follow-up to Jungle Strike, and it improves on both those games in a number of different ways.

For starters: there are now indoor shooting sections, where you have to search for MIAs and POWs and free them. Secondly: this time you get to fly different helicopters, and thirdly: you also get to drive ground assault vehicles! Yippee! 🙂

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