Tag Archives: Richard Paul Jones

Wallie Goes to Rhymeland, Commodore 64

Wallie Goes To Rhymeland is the third and final game in the “Wallie” series, designed and programmed by Andrew Challis, with graphics by his sister, Claire. The game was first published by Interceptor Software in 1984 for the Commodore 64 and it is mostly forgotten now. Which is a pity because the game has some charm; it was made by a brother and sister team, and it also brought joy to the lives of everyday gamers back in the mid-Eighties.

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Auto Zone, Commodore 16/Plus4

An original C16/Plus4 release from Players Software, first published in 1987, Auto Zone is a side-scrolling, car-driving platform game where you drive a small buggy from right to left across four different stages, trying to survive to the end.

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Tales of the Arabian Nights, Commodore 64

Interceptor Software‘s Tales of the Arabian Knights was the first game I ever played on a real Commodore 64, back in 1984.

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