Tag Archives: Dawn Drake

RoboCop, Amstrad CPC

The Amstrad version of Ocean‘s RoboCop came out in 1989, and it is much like the Commodore 64 version, but with a smaller play window and chunkier graphics.

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RoboCop, Commodore 64

The Commodore 64 version of RoboCop was first released by Ocean Software in 1988, and it is well-presented, but does have one major fault that I find completely puzzling…

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RoboCop, ZX Spectrum

The ZX Spectrum version of RoboCop – based on the 1987 film of the same name – was developed and published by Ocean Software in 1988, and was such a hit that it went on to become the top-selling Spectrum game of 1989, according to Gallup (the company that used to collate and publish the UK’s music and video game charts). The Spectrum version actually remained in the sales charts for over a year and half – it entered the charts in December of 1988 and was still in the top five in February of 1991, which is insaneTHAT is what you call a “big hit“!

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