RoboCop, Amstrad CPC

The Amstrad version of Ocean‘s RoboCop came out in 1989, and it is much like the Commodore 64 version, but with a smaller play window and chunkier graphics.

Also, like the other 8-bit versions of this game it is playable, but ridiculously hard, with fast-moving enemies and a sluggish fire rate on RoboCop himself, leading to plenty of frustration.

If I was being honest, I’ve never been a huge fan of Ocean‘s RoboCop. While it did sell phenomenally well, my guess is that most people who bought it were somewhat disappointed. I never did buy the game – on any platform – because I tried it, but didn’t like it.

The music in Amstrad RoboCop is very similar – if not identical – to the C64 version, which means to say that it’s recognisable and ‘pounding’, but… it doesn’t resemble any of the great music from the film itself.

Overall, RoboCop on the Amstrad is another “what could have been”, in my humble opinion. While the presentation is good, the gameplay is not that great, and none of the Ocean versions of RoboCop are anywhere near as good as the Data East arcade game that they’re (loosely) based upon.

More: RoboCop on Wikipedia

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