Tag Archives: Peter Adams

Beach Head, Apple II

The Apple II conversion of Bruce Carver‘s classic Beach Head was coded by Bryan Brandenburg of Sculptured Software Inc. and first published by Access in 1985, two years after the originals were released.

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Panther, Atari 8-bit

This Mastertronic Atari 8-bit budget release from 1987 feels like a budget game – and I don’t mean that as a compliment. It feels like an unfinished, un-polished game.

Panther is an isometric shoot ’em up in the style of Zaxxon, but with very little going on in the game itself.

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S.D.I., Amiga

S.D.I. (Strategic Defence Initiative) is a 1986 release from legendary American games company Cinemaware.

Set in a Cold War type scenario, S.D.I. pits East against West in a fight for dominance in space.

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