Ghosts ‘N Goblins, NES/Famicom

The NES/Famicom port of Capcom‘s classic arcade game, Ghosts ‘N Goblins, was developed by Micronics and first published in 1986. And – just like its parent – it is a very difficult game to make progress in.

Graphically, this version of the game is plain and the scrolling and player movement isn’t really as smooth as it should be, which might put some off playing it. Actually, I’m being overly generous here – the graphics are jerky, flickery, and pretty poor overall.

The gameplay, too, is unsatisfying, frustrating, and imprecise, and is likely to only appeal to masochists and those who have the patience to analyse all the enemy patterns and timings.

My own personal view is that Micronics didn’t do a very good job of porting Ghosts ‘N Goblins to Nintendo‘s 8-bit console, and I’m sure that the NES is capable of better.

That said: in spite of the game’s shortcomings it went on to sell millions of cartridges worldwide and is still played and “enjoyed” to this day.

More: Ghosts ‘N Goblins on Wikipedia

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