Tag Archives: BAM! Entertainment

Ice Nine, Game Boy Advance

Ice Nine was one of the last first-person shooters released for the Game Boy Advance. It was developed by Torus Games and published by BAM! Entertainment in 2005, and it was originally going to be a tie-in with the 2003 film The Recruit. However, this fell through when the film failed commercially, but the plot of the game remains mostly unchanged.

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Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever, Game Boy Advance

Also known as “Ecks vs. Sever II: Ballistic” in Europe, this is the second video game based on the 2002 film, Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever, directed by Wych Kaosayananda and starring Antonio Banderas and Lucy Liu. The first game – Ecks vs. Sever – came out in 2001 and is one of the better first-person shooters on the Game Boy Advance. This game was developed by Crawfish Interactive and published by BAM! Entertainment in 2002.

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Ecks vs. Sever, Game Boy Advance

Ecks vs. Sever is a first-person shooter based on an early draft of the script of the 2002 film, Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever, starring Antonio Banderas (as Jeremiah Ecks), and Lucy Liu (as Sever), and was released before the film had even begun production (which is very unusual). The game was developed by Crawfish Interactive and published by BAM! Entertainment in 2001. A second Ecks vs. Sever game, called Ballistic, was released in 2002.

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Wolfenstein 3D, Game Boy Advance

The Game Boy Advance version of id Software‘s Wolfenstein 3D was programmed by Mike Danylchuk for Stalker Entertainment, and published by BAM! Entertainment in 2002. And it is a very good port of the classic first-person shooter.

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