Combat School, ZX Spectrum

The ZX Spectrum conversion of Konami‘s arcade game, Combat School, was developed and published by Ocean Software in 1987.

It retains the simultaneous two-player gameplay where players can compete with each other to make their way through basic military training in boot camp. There are seven tests (Obstacle Course, Firing Range 1, Iron-Man Race, Firing Range 2, Arm Wrestling, Firing Range 3, and Fight With Instructor) that must be completed before finally getting to put your soldier skills to good use by rescuing the president from terrorist kidnappers in the final level of the game.

Gameplay features two types of events: button-bashing and target shooting. Whether you’re waggling a joystick, or hitting the keyboard, the aim in the button-bashers is the same: keep a stamina bar as high as possible for as long as possible and try to finish in the fastest possible time. The shooting events either use an aiming reticule or you just shoot bullets up the screen.

The final training event is a one-on-one fighting game against your instructor, and – frankly – it’s not very good. As beat ’em ups go it’s a weak effort. And this extends to the final rescue mission too, which does have its moments (like the bit where you shimmy across the pipes on the ceiling), but overall it’s below par in its execution.

Combat School on the Spectrum was rated quite highly by critics at the time, but my view is that it was overrated. The graphics are good in places, but also pretty poor in places too. Overall, this is an okay port, but I don’t think it’s anything special.

More: Combat School on Wikipedia
More: Combat School on World of Spectrum

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