Marble Madness, Apple IIgs

The Apple IIgs port of Marble Madness was coded by Will Harvey of Sandcastle for Electronic Arts and was first published in 1988.

It is a reasonably good port of the game, but pales into insignificance next to the best Marble Madness home ports, like the Japanese Megadrive version; or the FM Towns, Game Gear, Amiga or X68000 versions. It’s fairly close to the Atari ST version in terms of looks and playability.

It does suffer from the problems that Harvey‘s other Marble Madness ports do, namely: a lack of authenticity, and collision detection problems with the marble and the course.

Getting the game to run at the right speed in an emulator was tricky. It either seemed to run too fast or too slow. On real hardware I’m sure that this port plays fine, but the emulators I tried it on didn’t run it too well.

More: Marble Madness on Wikipedia

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