Wolfenstein 3D, Game Boy Advance

The Game Boy Advance version of id Software‘s Wolfenstein 3D was programmed by Mike Danylchuk for Stalker Entertainment, and published by BAM! Entertainment in 2002. And it is a very good port of the classic first-person shooter.

The single-player game features six episodes, each with numerous levels, which can be played on four different difficulty levels. Like the original: there is no multiplayer side to the game.

This port seems to be uncensored, which is surprising, although by this point I think Nintendo had stopped presuming that all video games were made for children… And, of course, Wolfenstein 3D being a shooter in which you kill Nazis, there are swastikas and pictures of Hitler everywhere. Plus, you also get to shoot dogs. And the blood is red, and hasn’t been changed to green (although the version released in Germany I’m sure would’ve been altered, because Nazi symbolism is outlawed there).

Wolfenstein 3D on the GBA is playable, challenging and absorbing. It is a very simple first-person shooter, but translates well to the Game Boy Advance, and is still worth playing nowadays.

More: Wolfenstein 3D on Wikipedia

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