The Kung-Fu Master Jackie Chan, Arcade

This 1995 arcade beat ’em up from Kaneko is an obscure Mortal Kombat clone, with digitised pictures of Jackie Chan and his stunt team playing a set of fairly weird fighting characters.

“But is it any good?” you ask. “Not bad,” is my reply.

Apart from the flashing shadows underneath the fighters (which are unnecessary and distracting) The Kung Fu Master Jackie Chan is reasonably well designed and executed. The digitised graphics have dated badly, but they are well-produced – at least compared to other games like this – and the control system is refined enough to give any one of the six playable characters a fighting chance in a match.

Unfortunately Jackie Chan himself isn’t playable in The Kung Fu Master Jackie Chan – he instead appears in various guises in three different boss battles. A later remake of this game – called Fists of Fire – does include Jackie as a playable character though.

The Kung Fu Master Jackie Chan is an interesting obscurity and a relatively decent digitised beat ’em up. It’s nothing special though.

More: The Kung-Fu Master Jackie Chan on Wikipedia

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